Can the drone be powered by cables?

DC-DC converters for Drone Charging

Yes, drones can be powered by cables, and this technology is relatively mature with commercial applications starting to emerge. Tethering technology allows the UAV to receive power from a ground-based source while also being able to utilize backup power supplies or connect to a 220V mains power supply. Suitable DC-DC converters may be required when using generators or mobile battery packs.

A tethered UAV system typically consists of five main components: the UAV platform, mission equipment, tethered cables, take-off and landing platform, and ground control components.

Also Read: All About DC-DC Converter for Drone Charging

By continuously powering the UAV and its mission load through the tether cable, the drone can hover in the air for extended periods, sometimes up to 24 hours. This capability not only provides long-endurance flights but also enables carrying heavier payloads. The increased endurance and payload capacity expand the practical applications of drones, including tasks such as long-term monitoring, infrared detection, photoelectric detection, aviation telemetry, communication forwarding, micro-radar, engineering monitoring, environmental monitoring, public security, anti-terrorism, and more. Additionally, real-time and stable transmission of aerial signals can be achieved through optical fibers within the cable.

Tethered cables for Drone Power

Overall, the use of tethered cables for power enables drones to operate continuously, supports longer flight times, and enhances their ability to carry out various missions effectively.

Tethered UAVs offer unique safety advantages. These drones primarily hover at high altitudes without the need for complex maneuvers, resulting in a simplified flight pattern of takeoff, stable hovering, and landing. This significantly reduces the risk of aircraft failure or loss of control. Moreover, as the UAVs are tethered with cables, they are constrained within a circular area determined by the cable length, further mitigating risks.

Tethered UAV systems

Tethered UAV systems also align well with regulations. As more areas become restricted for drone flights, tethered systems provide wider operational capabilities since they are not classified as traditional drones. This distinction allows them to operate in various locations without violating airspace restrictions.

The use of tethered UAVs has gained significant popularity in countries such as France, the United States, and Israel. They find applications in emergency communications, testing scientific research equipment, security monitoring, status monitoring, and collecting air quality data. As communication equipment continues to improve in terms of miniaturization and weight reduction, it is anticipated that tethered drones will be employed in more critical scenarios, offering faster and more convenient emergency solutions.

Current Logic has been providing Dc-Dc convertors for drone charging, if you are looking for high quality chargers or cables, do check their website.


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